SF-CAIRS Meetings

The San Francisco Bay Area is the home of many long-time standing agencies that offer a wide array of services to our immigrant, refugee and asylee communities. SF-CAIRS strives to maintain the distribution of the flow of information of these services. As a means of ensuring we supply these communities with all the resources available to help assist in their successes, we invite you to join us at one of our meetings to learn more about our member agencies’ respective work as well as to share what you and your organization is doing.

Our quarterly meetings begin with an opportunity to engage and network with other agency representatives that you normally might not be introduced to you in your everyday line of work. Presentations on agency services offered or other relevant topics follow. The meeting closes with attendees sharing information of upcoming events or updating the coalition on developing services or projects, etc.

We frequently invite guest speakers to present on special topics that impact our immigrant communities.

We invite you to join the next SF-CAIRS meeting, and to present on the great work you and your agency is doing on behalf of our immigrant, refugee and asylee communities.

If you would like to present at an upcoming SF-CAIRS meeting, please contact our co-chairs:
Cristy Dieterich Cristy.Dieterich@sfdph.org


Please see our Home Page for the next meeting time, date, and location.

2019 Quarterly SF-CAIRS Meetings:
Date and Time: Jan 9, Apr 10, Jul 10, Oct 9. 9-11am
Location: 25 Van Ness #70, Basement level. SF 94102
Past Meeting Summaries: