Refugee Health Assessments

Refugee/Asylee Health Assessment Program (RHAP)

Refugee Medical Health Assessments are available to Refugees and Asylees with Medi-Cal or Refugee Medical Assistance within the first 90 days of refugee or asylee status.
If you live in San Francisco, San Mateo, or Marin counties, please contact Newcomers Health Program for more information about the Health Assessment and Refugee MediCal, or to schedule a Health Assessment appointment:

Health Assessment services need to be completed within 90 days of being granted asylum

Refugee Health Assessment Program:
Newcomers Health Program

995 Potrero Avenue Building 80, 5th floor, Room 518
San Francisco, CA 94110
Online referral form: https:/
Refugee impacted local health jurisdictions provide culturally and linguistically-appropriate comprehensive health assessments to newly arrived refugees, asylees, federally-certified victims of severe forms of trafficking, and other eligible entrants. The RHAP focuses on screening of and prevention of communicable diseases; early identification and diagnosis of chronic diseases and other important conditions; assessment of immunization status ; mental health screening; and referrals to health providers for further medical evaluation, treatment, and follow-up.

Refugee Medical Assistance Program (RMA)

In coordination with the Department of Health Care Services, Medi-Cal Eligibility Division, the RHP provides time-limited RMA-based Medi-Cal benefits to refugees, asylees, federally-certified victims of human trafficking, and other entrants who are not eligible to receive Title XIX Medi-Cal benefits. This benefit is available only for the first eight months from the date admitted to the U.S. or from the date of certification.

For other California Refugee Health Program locations see Contact Information for Counties Funded in California to Provide Refugee Health Assessments [PDF].